The Empress Potion

The Empress.png

The Empress Potion

1 oz – 16.00

2 oz- 28.00

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The Empress – Femininity, Beauty, Nature, Nurturing, Abundance – The Empress holds a deep connection to earthly rhythms and the mystical realm. In touch with the cycles of the natural world she embodies the feminine. A representation of Mother Earth she is sensual, luxurious, fertile, elegant, graceful, creative, and nurturing. She draws her energy from the trees and is rejuvenated by nature. The Empress calls on you to connect with your feminine energy. Connect with your senses touch, draw, smell, taste, listen..explore ways to create and express.. Access this part of yourself. Spend time in nature collecting the energy that surrounds you, feel the trees, swim in the rivers, listen to the wind. Receive the grounding spirit that the Empress embodies through the Mother Earth archetype. When you tune into the Empress you will naturally take on her mothering nature. Compassion flows through you, ebbing you to tend to others with supportive love.  


Mugwort – Intuition


Red Raspberry– Nurturance 


Motherwort– maiden mother crone – The Goddess


Dong quai – Balance


Rose Infused Honey– Soften


Mariposa Lily Flower Essence – Divine presence


Red Wine – Representative of the waters of the Earth. Tap into earthly rhythms. 


Mugwort- Artemisia vulgaris – Feminine – Venus – Earth – Strength, Psychic Powers, Intuition – Ruled by Artemis, Goddess of the Moon, Stimulates the natural rhythm in women. A visionary herb which inspires creativity of the mind and spirit. A ceremonious herb used in dreamwork, prophecy and divination. A bridge between the realms which increases psychic intuitions.  

A bitter and digestive aid, can alleviate sluggish digestion, constipation and gas. Mild nervine properties treating stress and nervous tension. A uterine stimulant which can bring on a delayed or suppressed menses. 


Red Raspberry- Rubus idaeus- Feminine – Venus – Water – Protection, Nutritious, Astringent- A female tonic used to strengthen the reproductive system which can ease menses and childbirth. A powerful uterine tonic which tones and relaxes the pelvic and uterine muscles. Rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins B, C, and E. A tonic to be used during all cycles of womanhood.


Motherwort- Leonurus cardiaca- Feminine – Venus – Fire – Grace, Wisdom, Strength, Comfort- Nervine- “There is no better herb to take melancholy vapours from the heart, and to strengthen it.” -Culpeper 

Used as a remedy for both physical and emotional problems associated with the heart. Heart- strengthening, reduces blood pressure, slightly sedative and a uterine stimulant. Can be used for menstrual stress, tension, delayed menstruation, water retention, and PMS. 


Dong quai- Angelica sinensis- Masculine – Sun – Fire – Protection, Healing, Visions  – Protection against all forms of evil. The driving force, the stimulating benefactor which restores balance and harmony. 

“The Female Ginseng” a most useful female tonic, strengthening and balancing to the uterus. Regulating and normalizing on hormone production by positive action on the liver and endocrine system, working against menstrual irregularities. Nourishing to the blood and cleansing to the liver. A mild nervine that can calm and relax the system.


Rose – Rosa ssp. – Feminine – Venus – Water – Love, Healing, Luck, Psychic Powers- Sacred to Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Roses represent Beauty. Roses bring with them not only a softening of the heart space but the ability to balance the act of giving. How to do so selflessly and to take joy in the process. A representation of all aspects of the Goddess, the ability to love and nurture, and to see beauty in all things. Find connection to the heart space. 

Tones the heart, expels anxiety, boost the ood and calms the nerves. An astringent herb that can tighten and tone the gut working against leaky or inflamed gut, diarrhea, and mild bleeding. 


Mariposa Lily Flower Essence- Feminine Consciousness– Warm, Feminine and Nurturing. Positive connection to mother and similar female figures. The Soul can learn to forgive and heal by experiencing the presence of the divine or archetypal mother. This ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm, loving presence of the maternal is the very important gift of the Mariposa Lily. In healing the relationship to the archetypal mother one can give unconditional support and maternal love. 


Wise Words and Dosage


It’s no surprise that The Empress Potion harbors a plethora of plants which speak to the female reproductive system. With that a word of caution against taking this potion for extended periods of time (i.e. everyday 3 times a day in high doses, meaning a few dropperfuls, for more than 3 weeks) In higher doses this formula may bring about menses earlier than expected. However used moderately this formula will regulate menses and help ward against typical PMS symptoms. Take note of any chances in your menstrual cycle. This formula will not cause any harm or damage to the reproductive system. However not to be used during pregnancy. 


For spirit doses : When wanting to work energetically with the plants use a few drops up to one half dropper under the tongue and allow to simmer and meld into your spirit. 


Recommended Energetic Work : Take a spirit dose a few times throughout your normal day and take note of any subtle  changes in mood, attitude, thought patterns, dreams, reactions… Once or so a week practice a plant meditation. In a quiet space, dose and listen in.

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